Minggu, 13 Agustus 2017

My Profil

My Name : Ridho Prabowo
Nick Name : Ridho
Place Date Of Brith : Magetan, 29-03-1997
Education : SMK N 1 BENDO
Address : Jl.Pembangunan, Kel.Karangsari, Kec.Neglasari,Tangerang
Hobby : Adventure And Sport
Reason to study of UMT : Flexible Time And Affordable Payment
My Expectation after studying Civil Engineering : Consultant Civil Engineering

 Hallo all good evening. First time I would like to introduce my self,
My name is Ridho Prabowo , you can call me Ridho,
I was born in Magetan central java, and
Now I live in Karangsari.
I graduated from senior high school the SMK N 1 BENDO, My hobby is futsal and badminton.  
My reason study in UMT is nearer and I can divide about work and study in umt.
My hope and ambition after study in UMT is I would like get better work be contractor and can team work make building and flyovers.

That’s all enough my introduce my self, Thanks.

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